Spark Zine | Earth Traveller | Hangsheng

“I am a traveller of the earth and constantly recording every aspect of my life by taking photographs, from grand landscapes like urban buildings, the sun, the moon and the mountains to the smallest fragments such as crystal dew and the moment a butterfly lifting its wings. Whichever scene I come across means a mini trip. The name ‘Earth Traveller’ came from a whim in my college days. As almost all of these photos were took by phone, the unique picture quality and its convenience attract me. It allows me to shoot anywhere, anytime. I was able to capture many images that could be too late for a camera to capture. Earth Traveller consists of such images. Hope you will enjoy it on paper media.”

Hangsheng, a nature-loving documentarian based in Chongqing. You are welcome to know moreabout my documented life via my weibo: @- 杭笙

  • Page:42 pages
  • Size:17.4 x 23.3 cm
  • First Edition: 500
  • Published by Imageless Studio / Bananafish Books 2023.04

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